Event Wellness


Offerings by our sister company, The Garden Wellness will help keep your cup full while planning a big event.

  • 1:1 Life Coaching Sessions

  • Dance Fitness Parties

  • Group Emotional Wellness Sessions

  • Occupational Wellness for the Business Minded

  • Well-Being Retreats

The Garden provides an innovative approach to wellness to keep health and wellness fun!

Each year an astounding 2.6 million weddings will occur and trillions of events! For the event hosts, prioritizing wedding wellness (and general wellness across all areas of life) can buffer common stresses that arise while planning, traveling, and throwing the biggest event of their lives. But the waiting period can be more; in fact, it's a precious opportunity to reset and reevaluate your health, goals and daily habits.

"Often, a wedding is an ultimate motivation for people to feel and look their best," says celebrity trainer Harley Pasternak, MSc (Master of Science in Exercise Physiology and Nutritional Sciences). "Too often, however, people do things that are extreme or too intense only to peak on the day of the event. From there, they're unable to continue the overly-stringent eating plan or intense workout programs they did leading up to the wedding. I'll tell everyone that I work with, who is getting ready for their event, that they are getting ready for their life."